CGF is a digital business community where every businessman can register and promote their Company/ Brand / Products / Services / Contact Details / Website / Address & Location free of Cost for life time.
For registration as CGF – BUSINESS ASSOCIATE, required Sponsor reference link or Sponsor ID only, No registration fee – it’s absolutely free for life time. Remember One person created One user ID only.
As CGF – Business Associate registration process Need your Pan No. detail Only. Strong reason for Pan Card. 1st – One Person, One Pan Card – One User ID Only. 2nd – Pan Card proof – you are a citizen of India too.
Not required for registration and promoting your business life time on our website. Yes, for advertisements or earn referring income you need to be active with CGF – Ads Package. Advantage for listing your products or services ads daily as per package and validity. Yes, It’s a paid package.
Our website is a user friendly interface Just login your User ID Go to listing ads, follow up the required steps for uploading your ads. It’s very easy for everyone.
It’s single Page Format Fill all required information & upload all required documents too.
For referring anyone – share your reference link or your user code at time of new user registration.
For earning or achieving rewards: 1st your user ID should be active with any ad – package. Trail Pack (Monthly) or Smart Pack (Quarterly).
Exit policy is a right option for users who do not earn smart income during the validity period. It’s applicable for only Smart pack Users only. If the user is not referring to anyone or does not earn equal to the smart pack subscription fee amount, then the user can apply for the Happy exit option and get back the initial subscription fee (without GST) at time of 1st time renewal only.
After login the user ID You can go for the Download link and choose the required copy.